Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Things for Spring

Welcome to my brand new blog page!

I must confess – I’m a blogging virgin. The whole idea is a little bit daunting to me because I’m wondering what the heck I’m going to be talking about on a regular basis. My plan is to keep you updated about wedding related tidbits, talk about things I love, share my latest hot finds, introduce you to my favorite vendors , and let you in on what’s going on in my life. From what I’m hearing, I’ll be addicted to it before long.

Kiss The Bride has got something new going on, too. I’m so excited about launching my new and improved website. I absolutely love it! Check it out at and let me know what you think.

A great big “thanks” goes out to my friend Lauryn Van Rooy of Very Inviting for not only doing an excellent job designing it - but more importantly, for putting up with me during the whole process! You will be hearing a lot more about her in upcoming blogs. She’s a gem!

Missing in Action

A lot of you haven’t seen me around for a while because I had been very busy taking care of my father for the past six months. He had been in and out of hospitals and nursing facilities after he broke his hip in September and just never quite recovered. I lost my dad on February 27th. He was 81 years old.

I want to thank everyone who sent me a card, an e-mail, flowers, a gift, a warm thought, or said a prayer for me. Words cannot adequately express the ways in which I’ve been touched over the past few weeks. I am blessed and I truly appreciate it.

Until next time…Melanie